About Us

One Degree. One Change. Systematic Results. Two Twelve Benefits.
We’ve always aimed to be experts that can tailor a benefits program to meet the specific needs of a company to best support them, where they are, in ways that are the most helpful for them. It may look different to everyone, but they are united by the common thread that most often, there is one thing. One change. One service. One realignment. One thing that is the catalyst for improvement, for better employee engagement, for better benefits utilization, for greater overall satisfaction with the benefits broker experience.

Joey Janssen
Agency Principal & President

Eric Ross RN
Agency Principal

Adrienne Janssen
Agency Principal

Dan Forssell CEBS
Managing Director
Our Team
“The people that you work with are, when you get down to it, your very best friends.” -Michael Scott, The Office (Season 7, Episode 21)

Danny White
Primary Care Coordinator

Claire Heller
Sr. Analyst

Cindy Collins
Eligibility Analyst

Amber Connell
Eligibility Analyst

Alaysia Maurice

Cheyenne Bass

Harrison Weinstein

Zach Bowman

Adna Alic MSA

Lynne Beauchamp